AMA format for citations 2 pages
provide data pertaining to the morbidity and mortality rates for colorectal cancer in the US. (You will find that many primary websites have provided mortality and morbidity rates.)
More specifically, you will…
research and/or calculate one morbidity rate (e.g. incidence or prevalence).
research and/or calculate at least two mortality rates (e.g. cause-specific mortality rate, gender-specific mortality rate, race-specific mortality rate etc.) for the condition in that county, state, or geographic locale. Finally,
compare similar data for the condition from one area with that of another area. For instance, if county is chosen, then compare this data to the state or national level. If national data is chosen, then compare to another country.
This will become part of your situation analysis.

5 comments on “provide data pertaining to the morbidity and mortality rates for colorectal cancer in the US. (You will find that many primary websites have provided mortality and morbidity rates.)

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