Intellectual Property is the life blood of many corporations and organizations. Without the protections afforded by the U.S. legal systems, organizations may never invest in research and development. Currently, patents provide inventors up to 20 years of protection and copyrights can vary in year of protection, but is most commonly protected for the life of the creator plus 70 years or more. However, many other countries do not provide a similar level of protection afforded to intellectual property and in fact may not enforce protections at all.
Discuss what you believe is the best way for an organization to protect its intellectual property in a global economy.”
CMRJ498 “125 words agree or disagree to each question.
Thesis Statement: While law enforcement deaths are an unfortunate part of the career path., law enforcement line of duty deaths are increasing across the United States. In the past few years the law enforcement community has not been given support by community leader leading to the rise of attacks on law enforcement. More officers are killed in the line of duty by guns and traffic related accidents than any other circumstances. Depression and suicide are the leading killer of officers in the law enforcement community.
I’m not going to lie by saying that I am excited by this assignment. I have never been a big fan of the APUS Library but I understand why it is important to utilize it for information for our work. Never the less I will be using it and any other resource I can get my hands on to complete this task. I will most definitely be using Google Chrome for some of my searches. I am also going to utilize some of the training material used to teach our mandatory in-service training. The information from these in-service trainings are also cited and my topic has been of great concern now for the past few years. I know I sound like a Negative Nancy and I am sorry I am just ready to be finished with school and ready to move forward.
Some of my helpful hints that will aid me in my search for information is first to use a broad search approach use the least amount of words in the search bar and then add more towards your topic as needed. Next, I like to set up a page on Microsoft Word and just save URL’s to sources you want or are interested in using. You can add a title of the sources if you need to be reminded like me.
Topic: Law Enforcement Deaths
A. Causes of Death
Stress related to the occupation
Motor vehicle accidents
Use of force related incidents
Other deaths (still working on this one)
B. Officers murdered on and off duty
Effects on the community
Relationship between community leaders and growing crime trends against law enforcement
C. Preventive measures for law enforcement deaths
What can law enforcement do
What can community leaders do
Some of the difficulties I have had using the APUS Library is that the sources I have tried to use were not available.
The enactment of ‘Stand Your Ground’ laws is one of the worse policies in criminal justice and has increased the sale of firearms and homicides respectively.

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