a.Choose cities at approximately the same elevation above sea level.
b.Choose one city to the west of the Cascades, one in the central area of the state but to the east of the Cascades, and one on the eastern side of the state.
c.Choose cities with a complete dataset – do not use a city with missing data. Good options are Seattle, Ellensburg, and Spokane, but you are free to choose.
d.Finally, the goal of this exercise is two-fold: a) to show how topography is impacts climate, and b) evaluate spatial variability in moisture and water resources.
Please answer the following questions to complete Lab #1. 1.Produce three graphs depicting the precipitation data you pulled from online. The graphs should be precipitation in inches for each month and should be represented by either bars or a connecting line for each month. Make sure your graphs have titles and that the scales of the axes are the same across all three graphs.
2.The topography of Washington state creates latitudinal variation in moisture, with the west side of the state being much wetter than the east side. Postulate why this variability matters in terms of water resources in a changing climate – how might differences in water availability among disparate geographic locations impact water security and policy?For example, would it be appropriate or effective for Spokane to have the same water management plan as Seattle? Why or why not?
3.How does Geography influence our perspectives of and connections to climate change? For example, does someone in Spokane view sea level rise and coastal flooding as someone in Seattle? Why or why not? Why does this matter?
Analyze one of the four theoretical models (biological, drive, social learning, or general aggression model) to explain factors that could have contributed to the aggressive behavior described in the news report.
Discuss preventative measures that could have been employed.

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