The sixth amendment was drafted to correct what the framers perceived as issues within the English justice system (Epstien & Walker, 2016).  There are several procedural safeguards in the sixth amendment that are in place to ensure fairness and impartiality throughout the criminal prosecution process. While not all inclusive, some of the protections guaranteed are the right to a trial by a jury of one’s peers, a right to confront the accuser, and the right to counsel.  If the accused is provided an attorney for consultation, the belief is that there is someone who will ensure that their rights are protected. The right to confront ones accuser guarantees that one cannot be charged with a crime unless someone is there for them to confront with regard to the nature of the offense as well as to counter examine, and the right to a trial by jury of one’s peers was designed to ensure that those making determination of guilt were representative of who they might be brining verdicts against. The largest threat to a fair trial is the plea-bargaining process.  As Epstien and Walker (2016) report, less than ten percent of all criminal prosecutions go to trial.  The trials might be fair, but most cases never see the trial process because it is timely and more cost effective to settle cases prior to a full-blown trial.
1. Describe which “”isms”” (more than one) you think are relevant to the plight of Dalit women and why  (for example, racism, sexism, classism, etc).
2. Describe which institution/system you think is the most responsible for the treatment of Dalit women and why you chose that one (for example, capitalism, globalization, political, legal/judicial, etc).
3. Name one aspect of the film that impacted you the most.

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